Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma!!

My wonerful Grandma turned 90 this weekend. I do not think there is a person who has met my Grandma who would ever believe she is 90. She lives alone, still drives her own car and maintains a very intense social schedule! She is such an amazing woman and I hope I am just like her when I am 90. My parents had an open house for her Birthday party. It was so neat to see everyone that came to wish her Happy Birthday. Love you Grandma! (Great) Grandma and Charlie.

Charlie really liked the little stage that was in the hall. She would sit down and then walk to the other end and sit down. She did that for most of the party.


Jessica said...

I can't believe she is 90! She looks so good for her age! I love the picture of Charlie with the hangers...very cute!

Krissi said...

I've met your grandma many times and never knew she was that old! Happy Birthday to her! I love Charlie's dress!