Friday, June 20, 2008

Home and Garden Television

So, I am addicted to HGTV. I love watching the remodel shows an the people searching to buy a home. I am guilty of watching too much HGTV. As soon as a new show starts I get addicted to it and have to see the outcome. It is pathetic. Once I get done with one show, Bodie hurries up to change the channel before I get addicted to the next show that is coming on. It doesn't even matter what show it is, I watch them all (they are all basically the same thing anyway). I really don't watch too much TV, partly because there isn't anything I care to watch. But now I have the old faithful...HGTV. Hey, I guess it could be worse, right?? At least it isn't soap operas :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Oh man, this is me now too! Since we moved, we got Direct Tv...before we had like 5 channels and there was never anything on. I LOVE HGTV too! I was basically just watching every show, then decided I had to just tivo my faves and then watch them when Nathan was napping or playing by himself. I didn't want to neglect him that much! :)