Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Charlie has been waking up in the night this last month. At first it was only one time and I would just go give her the binky and she was fine. I thought it would pass, but it hasn't. Last night it was FIVE times!!!! I am not enjoying this. She never cries when she wakes up, she just kind of rolls around and "talks" to herself. If I don't get the binky back in her mouth in time, she gets too awake and starts moving her arms around too much and pulling the binky out of her mouth. Any suggestions??? Pointers??? Tips???? I know there are experienced moms reading my blog..........leave a suggestion for me :) How do I "teach" her to get herself back to sleep?

I am especially appreciative of how she started doing this now that I am back to work (Yes, she was doing it before, too. I have already thought it might be me returning to work, but she was doing it before, just not waking as many times as she is now) :)


Jessica said...

We finally had to take the binky away for nighttime and naps. It was kinda sad cause it had worked so well, but as soon as he learned to cry himself to sleep without the binky, it solved the problem completely. That is my suggestion! Good luck!

Krissi said...

I don't know if Charlie has a routine to get to sleep (song, rocking before she's really asleep, etc.) Once in a great while when Piper wakes up in the middle of the night, I just sing to her, lay her back down with her baby, and she will normally go back to sleep. Of course, she's over a year older than Charlie, so just know that hopefully your troubles won't last forever! Hope that helps... Good luck!

Joy said...

hey...I was just going to suggest that she might need some cereal but it looks like you might have figured that out....did that work?

Brooke said...

Yes, we gave her the cereal. She didn't seem too interested, but I am still trying a little each night. She eats a few bites really well and then just kind of loses interest. That dind't seem to help with the sleeping. We tried swaddling her again, and she has slept a LOT better for 3 nights now. Last night she didn't even wake up once. I guess we will have to do the swaddle for a while longer to get her use to sleeping through.