Thursday, February 14, 2008


I have decided to start Charlie on the bottle since I will be going back to work in a couple of weeks. I didn't think it would be too hard to get her to take it since she took it for a week after she was born and then a couple of times since then when my parents babysat her. My biggest concern was that she wouldn't like the taste of the formula, so I wanted to work on that more than anything. I am going to try and get enough milk for her, but just in case I don't have enough, I wanted her to be comfortable with eating the formula if she had to. Anyway, I tried to get her to take a bottle yesterday morning and she cried for quite a while and would never latch onto it. I finally felt so bad, that I just went ahead and fed her. I thought maybe she wouldn't take a bottle from me since she knows that I have the "real" stuff. So, when Bodie got home I had him try and feed her. This time she got all worked up and cried for about 45 minutes. Finally, I decided to feed her again because I can't stand it. I know that all I have to do is feed her and she will be fine and it breaks my heart to let her cry. After that ordeal she took a good 2 1/2 hour nap. We decided to try once more before she went to bed and she cried and cried again. I felt so bad. I try to leave the room because I thought maybe she would be more willing to eat from the bottle if I wasn't around. Bodie was so good with her!! She would kind of latch on and take a couple of sucks and then get really mad. We finally thought that maybe she was getting too much flow out of the bottle and it was kind of gagging her. We tried every bottle we had in the house and no luck. I finally went and got her and just started walking with her and just talking to her to calm her down. She calmed down, so I tried again. This time we tried the original bottle that the physical therapist told us to use when she was first born. This bottle makes them suck hard for the milk and it is more like breastfeeding where they actually have to work for the food instead of it just flowing into their mouth. We had tried this bottle several other times with no luck, but since she was calmed down a little I decided to try it again. She took it!!!!! She even looked up and gave me a little smile, which made me very happy!!! As she was finishing what was in the bottle I was telling Bodie to hurry up and get more ready so I could keep her going. She continued to eat almost 6 oz and was a happy baby! So, me feeling brave this morning, decided to try the bottle again. She took it!!! I am so happy and relieved that she took it. I asked Bodie what we were going to do it she never took it and he calmly told me that she will eventually take it......he was right!

All of the bottle choices.....
THE bottle


Jessica said...

Yeah, I think you just have to keep trying until they realize it is their only option! Good job! We were in Idaho last week, and if I had had time, I wanted to stop by, but of course, I always run out of time. Next time, though, I will for sure!

Anonymous said...

How is my Charlie girl today??? i will come see you guys tomorrow if you aren't doing anything...i miss her

Anonymous said...

Oh poor Charlie! All this stress in her little life! Hope she adjusts to you going back to work better than she did to the bottles!